
Aircraft airframe structure

At our state-of-the-art clean facility, we produce and supply high-tech
composite materials that are used in various fields including
aircraft structural materials, civilian water supply, and defense industry.

Wing structure


Airbus 350 CD

The main wing tip is designed as L-shaped to reduce air resistance and improve fuel efficiency
Airbus 320 Sharklet Panel

Airbus 320 Sharklet Panel

The main wing tip is designed as L-shaped to reduce air resistance and improve fuel efficiency

Boeing 777WBE (Wing Box Extension)

The wing tip curve of Boeing 777 aircraft.

Boeing 777FSF (Flap Support Fairing)

Wing structure that reduces the drag generated when it is mounted and operated on Boeing 777 model.

Boeing 777RWT (Raked Wing Tip)

Boeing 777 model wing structure made wing tip retraction angle bigger
Boeing 787RWT (Raked Wing Tip)

Boeing 787RWT (Raked Wing Tip)

Boeing 787 model wing structure made wing tip retraction angle bigger

Boeing 737FSF (Flap Support Fairing)

Wing structure that reduces the drag generated when it is mounted and operated on Boeing 737 model.

Boeing 787FSF (Flap Support Fairing)

Wing structure that reduces the drag generated when it is mounted and operated on Boeing 787.